Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Final Blog.

Neil Anderson says that success "is accepting God's goal for our lives and by His grace becoming what He has called us to be." When it comes to my health I must admit I have not succeeded. The Bible talks a lot about being self-controlled and self-control is one of the fruits of the Spirit. (Gal. 5:22-23)

"...let us be alert and self-controlled." (I Thes. 5:6)

"Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control." (Prov 25:26)

Broken down and defeated in my constant striving (OK, really my desire to treat my body correctly). But that's not the end of the story because God has already filled me with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus. (Eph. 1:3) He has already given me self-control! I must live by faith.

"Anyone then who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it sins." (James 4:17) I know the truth, I know that I have been given self-control through Christ Jesus. As I read this blog I think it sounds like I'm defeated but I am not. I did not exercise today and I have no good reason for it. Maybe I was getting a little cocky! I started to think if I didn't set the time aside I would still get to it but today I did not. Tomorrow I really doubt I will because I have to leave so early in the morning and won't be home until rather late. I see that schedule for a few days ahead of me and I realize that I could possibly find myself right back where I was when this began three weeks ago. Lord willing that will not happen. The most exciting thing that has come from this time is my joy for my devotion time. It was worth every minute just to get myself back into the Word. That is something I do not want to lose. More then anything else in life I desperately need Jesus. I believe this makes me a success.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Keeping on.

Now that I have seemingly created a new habit, I need to keep it. It's so easy for me to become complacent and begin letting one or two days go by without exercising or meditating on God's word. That's how I end up in the cycle of trying to get back on track. I guess I'm always going to be a recovering complacent person. The thing I am most grateful for is knowing the Lord will carry me through anything. Including exercise.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Is the habit formed?

Twenty-one days is a long time. When I started this I thought, "I can do anything for twenty-one days." How little did I know how long that was. In fact today is only day eighteen but it feels like I've been doing this for several months. While I was thinking about this today I started pondering whether a new habit can really be started or a bad habit stopped in twenty-one days like I've always heard.

Well, I think the answer to that is yes. I realized as I was walking today that I exercise now without really thinking about it or planning for it. The first two weeks I dreaded it but I've noticed the past few days that it's become something I do every day as if it's a known fact that it will get done. Like eating or showering or any other thing I might do every day. Now, I may not get up early to do it but I make sure that I exercise at some point every day. Don't get me wrong, it's not strenuous exercise. It's enjoyable stuff like walking at the mall or the park or around the neighborhood. If I get up early I still use the elliptical but I enjoy myself now.

That's not all. I also noticed today that when I'm reading the Bible I'm able to concentrate and enjoy what I'm reading. I had gotten to the place that reading was dull and I could read the same verse over and over and still not know what I just read. It seems the twenty-one day challenge I set for myself has kicked in. I'm doing what I set out to do. It's a miracle. Maybe not fire coming from heaven to burn up an alter but for me it's the exact same. A miracle I really needed.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Everything is a choice.

In the end it boils down to choices. Overcoming how I feel, to do what I know I should do. This morning my list of chores was long and I wanted to get started on the list. Instead, I forced myself to exercise for 30 minutes. I actually feel better after exercising and of course I already know all of the health benefits of doing it. For some reason that doesn't help me want to spend the time exercising. However, making the decision that you will exercise and that it will be a priority AND making the decision you will spend time in the Bible then you will do it. It's about choices. I always have time for what's important to me.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Open my eyes so I may see.

If I were to pray and ask the Lord to rain down fire on an alter, would He? He did for Elija. (I Kings 18) It seems I have been drawn to Elija and Elisha and I've been thinking about them all day. God had the ravens feed Elija and both men prayed and asked the Lord to bring people back from the dead and He did it. God used them to do a lot of miracles. Does He still work like that today?

This made me look back over the last 35 years of my life and see the miracles God has done in my life. Believe it or not I was able to find a lot. Not only was I able to see where God's hand has been at work in my life, but I am aware that there are many things He has done and I don't even know about it. My eyes were not open to what was going on around me. That's why I've been reading 2Kings 6. Elisha and his servant were surrounded by the enemy's army and Elisha said, "Don't be afraid, those who are with us are more than those who are with them." And Elisha prayed, "O Lord, open his eyes so he may see." Then the Lord opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha." (vs. 16-17)

I want my eyes open to see the Lord surrounding me with His mighty army, ready to do battle on my behalf. "Ask and it will be given to you..." (Matthew 7:7)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

I am a Conqueror!

What is the "truth" Philippians 4:8 is talking about? One of the many truths of the Bible is Romans 8:37, "we are more than conquerors through him who loved us." Conquerors is in the present tense. Not the future and not the past. That means today as I have temptations thrown at me I will conqueror them all through Jesus Christ. As I go about my day this verse will be constantly on my mind. When I look in the mirror I will say, "I am a conqueror." I might even try to look mean as I say it. Granted that will probably only make me laugh. As I run up and down the stairs doing laundry I will be saying, "I am a conqueror." And as I walk by the candy bowl I will say, "I am a conqueror." When a critical thought enters my head I will do a karate chop and say, "I am a conqueror." When negativity comes or thought of money wander through my head I will stomp and yell, "I am a conqueror!" If you happen to pass by my house today and see me doing karate chops or yelling or stomping you will know why.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Reaping a harvest.

"Let us not grow weary in doing what is good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Gal 6:9 It amazes me that this verse exists in the Bible. For some reason it doesn't sound like a Bible verse to me. It sounds more like something you would hear from a motivational speaker instead of God. But God knows I get discouraged and start to think I won't succeed. He knows my weak little mind needs a reminder that the reward is out there. Don't quit.

This morning I spent my exercise time doing crunches. Again, I'm trying to do something different plus I need to strengthen my back muscles to reduce the risk of back pain or injury. Getting up was difficult but I want to reap the harvest of a healthy body and mind. The number one most motivating factor that has kept me going each day is the accountability to my friends. If I didn't have them encouraging me and praying for me and letting me know they are checking my blog then I think I would have quit. So thank you for the encouragement!